Monday, October 26, 2009

Lessons from Homecoming

Well we did travel back to my alma mater for Homecoming this weekend. We also spent the day with Little Britches's G.G. (Great Grandma). All in all it was a fun trip. There are a few things I learned from Homecoming.

1. First and foremost I am old or at least older.

I went to a small school where the students had professors from more than one class and would often be invited to their houses for get togethers and such. When I started school I made a special connection with one of the professor's daughters. She was 6 the year I started school. She is now TWENTY! I don't feel THAT much older than when I left college, but obviously I am.

2. No matter how much time has past there are still places that cause the mind and heart to reflect.

I spent 4 wonderful years at Howard Payne University. I had great roommates, classmates, and teammates. I did things I never thought I would or could do. I learned things I never thought I would or could learn. I was pushed, challenged, loved, and encouraged. All those things came flooding back to me as I was on campus this weekend. And when my husband asked where the nearest restroom was I remembered exactly where they were! Some things you never forget!

3. Grandmas can spot cute babies from a mile away.

While at times I felt old(er) and a bit out of touch, I was thankful for my new phase in life. Being a mommy gives you lots to talk about with others, especially grandmas. I was holding Little Britches while we watched the parade go by and every grandma that past us stopped to say hi and say how cute Little Britches was. All day as we walked around and saw people ladies would come over and start telling me about their grandkids. I listened and loved it, knowing my parents were probably out In public somewhere doing the same thing to some other mom. Of course part of the reason Little Britches might have gotten so much attention was because she was dressed so cute as you can tell from the picture. I will blog about how I made her outfit soon.

4. God has blessed us more than we could have ever dreamed possible.

This picture was taken as we sat on the very same bench that my husband proposed to me on more than 8 years ago. I could never have imagined then what I would have now- a life full of blessings beyond measure. My cup truly overflows with goodness. There will always be a part of me that feels at "home" when I go to Howard Payne. I did so much growing up there, but now I realize that I am still growing and in other 10 years (I graduated in '99) I will feel even older, but will most likely feel even more blessed.

5. Traveling with a baby is work.

I don't really think this needs much explaining. :)

Tuesday, October 20, 2009


Yesterday I put Little Britches's Halloween onesie on her.  It was cute, but it just needed a little something.  I had bought some tulle in hopes of making her a cute little lady bug costume before Bella got her the cute poodle outfit.  I decided the black tulle would be perfect as a quick tutu to go with the Halloween onesie.  So I took the tulle and used my rotary cutter to cut it into long strips about 2 ish inches wide.  I then cut those strips in half so they wouldn't be so long.  I wanted a short tutu.  I then tied those strips onto a black grosgrain ribbon and then tied the ribbon around Little Britches's waist.  Oh so cute! 
Here's the proof:

Kyle o Meter 5K

This Sunday I ran in a local 5K.  It was a part of the Kyle Fair.  Lots of friends from church also  ran in it.  I wanted to place in my age group, but I knew that meant I couldn't do any walking, and my running hasn't come without a little walking lately unless I am on the treadmill.  My problem is I have not logged enough miles since the birth of Little Britches to be able to feel my pace yet.  I start out way too fast.  I used to not do this.  So I started out at what I felt like was a good pace.  There were no mile markers, so I couldn't really judge.  I held that pace all the way to the turn around at the cattle gate.  (I did mention this was a local race, right?)  On the way back though I started to give way mentally and started to fatigue a little physicially.  There were some rolling hills on the way back that tempted me to walk, no taunted me to walk and I gave in.  I did finish the race in 29:30, which is about a 9:30 pace.  This is the pace I would like to do the 1/2 marathon in November.  I must log some more miles before I can reach this goal, but I am on my way.  Here are the results in case you want to size up the competition for next year.  See you out there!

Hook Em and Burp Em

Well I have been a busy bee.  Last week I sewed Little Britches an entire outfit- dress, headband, shoes, and a matching burb cloth.  The outfit's colors are blue and gold, otherwise known as yellow, in honor of my alma mater's homecoming this weekend.  I will take pictures this weekend and let you see my handy work.  Before I started that project however I made a burp cloth for game days at home.  You see, my alma mater is a small school whose football games are not televised or even reported on the news, so we cheer for the local university's team that has an excellent football team.  We needed that special burp cloth for those times when game-day snacks just got to be a little too much. ;)  Here are some pictures of Little Britches on game day and her new burp cloth:

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

The weekend recap

Well, weekends around here are busy! 

On Saturday I did go for a run.  I decided to cut my postpartum body some slack and run/walk my runs until I don't feel like I am going to die.  That might mean I don't quite run all 13.1 miles of the half marathon in November, but I am okay with that for now.  So I set off Saturday morning with my ipod and ran a song and then walked a song.  I did that for 40 minutes and covered four miles.  I was feeling good so I went to the end of our street and back for a total of 4.76 miles.  Not bad.  I actually felt like I could keep going for a while if I needed to.   I need to do a longer run tonight, but it has been rainy here all day, so I might do it tomorrow night.  After the run Little Britches's dad and I did a few things around the house.  Boy is he getting some stuff done!  The house is looking great.  There are those few areas that have to look worse before they look better when you are cleaning them out....we have one or two of those areas right now, but we also have several areas that have come out on the other side of that process and look fantastic. 

Also on Saturday Little Britches's Bella came for a photo shoot and quality time.  Here a few of the results.

It was a little chilli outside on Saturday and I did wake Little Britches up from her nap to take these pictures, so no smiles, but no crying either!

We then met Papa D for dinner and dancing...well not too much dancing, but dinner anyway.  After such a full day Little Britches slept all the way through the night.  Woo hoo!  Sunday was also full, as it usually is with church stuff and she slept through the night again!  The two days daddy can be on duty- slept.  Monday night, when daddy is sleeping because he has to get up for workout and work.  She woke up at 11, 3, and 5.  I love her, though and will miss those sweet night time visits soon enough! 

I am currently "working" on a few sewing projects, meaning they are rolling around in my head.  I am going to make Little Britches an outfit to wear to my college's homecoming at the end of the month.  I will be sure to post pictures as I go.  Well I hear someone waking up from their nap, and it is not me, so I better go get the doll and feed her!

This weekend we are headed out of down for the day to visit with cousins.  That should be fun.  I will let you know. 

Friday, October 9, 2009

Other Family Memebers

Before Little Britches came along there were other family members who got most of our attention.  They reported to me today that they were feeling left out of this blog, since everyone in the family has been mentioned except them.  Here they are:

The one on the left is Cecilia.  She was posted on Craig's list with no picture and so my husband had to go see about her since he was pretty sure no one would go get a dog with no picture.  There was no picture because the family's German Shepherd had Princess (renamed Cecilia) under a shed and would bark every time she tried to come out.  Who knows how long it had been since she had eaten a full meal.  My husband could not leave her there so she came to join our happy home, but she was not the first.  The dog on the right was our first: Amelia.  We moved into our first house and I stared dog shopping.  I came across Amelia on petfinder.  She was so cute.  I read her story and couldn't help but want her.  She was scrapping in a junk yard for her food when a local rescue group picked her up and fostered her.  She is deaf, so she comes with some special needs.  When I inquired about getting Amelia the news came that she had already been placed with a family, but that that family's cat was not adjusting well to the situation, so it was possible she may still be available.  We would just have to wait.  Well the cat never adjusted so we got our first dog.  They have both been great MOST of the time.  (Amelia is a little like Marley from Marley and Me)  They used to go everywhere with us, but now with a car seat in tow they don't get to go as often.  They do still get to go some places like my parents house at the lake and to check the mail.  They are kind and don't complain, but I know they miss going and doing all the things we did before.  They may change their minds and not mind at all once Little Britches starts throwing food off her high chair.  That will be awhile yet, but I know the dogs would be looking forward to it if they knew about it. 

EGM's dres

We did go meet EGM yesterday. She is so small and sweet. I did not quite have her dress finished up then, but I finished it today. I will put it in the mail to her. I was also thinking of making a little something for her big sister, because I remember my sister getting lots of gifts and I felt a little leftt out. We'll see. I know big sister is kinda particular about her clothing, so...maybe I will send her a card or a litttle book.  Oh I almost forgot here is a little E I stiched on the bottom of the onesie. 

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Wednesday, October 7, 2009

The 8 miles that almost killed me

Okay, so I did "run" my 8 miles yesterday.  I put run in quotes because I did not run it all.  I didn't even run most of it, but I did run some of it and walk some of it.  Over all I kept my pace average to an 11:40 pace, so it wasn't horrible, but it wasn't great either.  As I started running my shins started aching, then as I kept running my toe started hurting (I have one toe that bruises and looses its nail every race season), then as I kept running I started to get rubbed all the wrong way, so I didn't keep running.  I walked.  I didn't stroll.  I pumped my arms, moved my feet- walked.  I made myself go the whole distance even though I passed my house at the half way point.  When I finally arrived at home I had gone 8.56 miles in a little less than 1:40.  Upon coming in the house my lower legs hurt so much I couldn't really move them.  I felt like I had WAY overdone it, but much to my surprise this morning I could actually walk without any trouble.  I guess that means I am capable of putting in a few miles today!  Run on, my friends, run on!  

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Happy 100 Days!

Little Britches turned 100 days old today. As my husband said, "You could have been jailed for 90 days, and gotten out by now." Not that I have every remotely done anything jail worthy, but it makes you realize how much 100 days can change your life. One hundred days ago I was a wife. Today I am a wife and a mom. One hundred days ago my belly was huge and tight. Today it is only slightly big and slightly flabby. One hundred days ago I lived with my husband. Today I live with my husband/Little Britches dad. One hundred days ago I got in the car at any whim and went anywhere I pleased. Today I plan trips around nap times and feedings. One hundred days ago I had a head full of thick hair. Today I am loosing it by the buckets, both because of changes in my body and because Little Britches has a tendency to grab on. Though my life has changed there are a few things that remain the same. One hundred days ago I was thankful God had given us new life. Today I am even more thankful. One hundred days ago I was completely in love with my husband for who he was and who he was going to become. Today I am even more in love with him. One hundred days ago I knew I couldn't bee the mom Little Britches needed me to be without complete dependence on God. Today I know that more than ever. One hundred days ago I was the first night I woke up to feed a baby in the darkness of night. Today I still wake up. Who knows what the next hundred days will bring, except hopefully a full night's sleep, but whatever it is I know I will love it because I love the life God has given me. My cup runnith over!  

Many miles to go before I sleep, well 8 to be exact

Oh to be young again! Little Britches is one of the great loves of my life, but I can't help but be a little jealous of her schedule sometimes. She wakes and eats, plays, and then sleeps. Then she repeats the cycle several times during the day. I am happy if I get to "play" once a day, and really happy if I get to sleep once a day. Little Britches's daddy comes home from work each day and lets me have some "play" time. (He is a dream come true!) Now, what I would love to do with that play time is go to Target and shop, but since we cut down to one income when Little Britches came along that is not a good plan. So I exercise instead. It doesn't cost us money. It just cost me pain. Today I need to run 8 miles. I had every intention (well I had many intentions) of doing my long, 8 mile run, on Saturday, but it rained all day, so today is the day. Wait, what's that I hear...the weather forecast on the TV...rain for this afternoon and tonight?...there go my intentions! Just kidding. If it is raining I may just have to go run on a treadmill. Yuck! Oh well. I am thankful for my health and the health of my family. There are many who wish they could run 8 miles, but for whatever reason they cannot. I don't want to waste any of the gifts I have been given, because there is no guarantee they will be available tomorrow.    

Friday, October 2, 2009

Running into Jam

Last night I headed to the gym.  On Thursday nights I usually take a cardio class called Body Jam.  I like the workout because it is fun and constantly changing, yet I burn close to 400 calories per class.  But last night I knew I had to run because I had missed my Tuesday run due to circumstances out of my control.  A little bummed about this I decided I would go to the first half of Jam and then hop on the tredmill and run 3 miles.  Good plan, right?  Well as soon as I walked in Jam after having eaten pizza and drinking soda earlier in the day I knew I would not leave class to go run, so I made my self run the first half of class.  Boy, what a motivator!  As I was running and started feeling tired I didn't slow down because I wanted to make it to the last half of class.  It was perfect!  I finished 3 miles in 29 minutes and got to class at exactly the half-way point where there is a little mini cool down before starting the last cardio block.  I think I may do the same thing next week.  I need to run 8 miles this weekend, so we will see what kind of motivation I can muster for that.  Oh by the way, here is the training plan I follow for running.

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Run with EMU

I am signed up for the San Antonio Rock N Roll Half Marathon on November 15.  I am excited about running 13.1 miles. I will blog more about my training and that race shortly, but today I signed up for a 10K on the weekend after the half marathon.  It is The First Annual Run with EMU 10K.  My friend and previous co-worker who had convinced me to run the Nike Human Race 10K summer before last wanted to run another 10K before Christmas, but there wasn't one, so she is organizing one.  How fun!  Family and friends getting together to run.  Are you up for it?  Come on out and join the fun!  I am running 4 miles today to train for these two races.  Wish me luck!