Friday, January 22, 2010


Hey!  Little Britches here.  Taking time to tell everyone how much I love playdates!  Look at the fun things I do on my playdates.  (This was one I had last week.)

I hand out and practice my new skills like pushups.

I listen to all my friend's latest news like her napping schedule and the new finger foods she has tried.

I tell her a few secrets.

And a little joke...which she did not get...I have my Daddy's sense of humor.

I learn how to do new things.

And I smile- a lot- because I really like playdates with my friend. 

Daily Life, Day 21

Today we met Kendall.  She is about 7 months younger than Mayzie, which seems like a lot right now, but in the coming years it won't be much difference at all.  Daddy works with Kendall's Daddy and our families go to the same church.  We are thankful that Kendall arrived healthy and happy yesterday.  When we went to the hospital to see her we almost didn't make it to her room because all the grandmas who volunteer at the hospital stopped us to talk and ask about Mayzie.  She played it up with lots of smiles for everyone.  Welcome to the world, Kendall.  We have lots of fun things to show you! 
(This was how I felt about my new friend: wide-eyed wonder)

Daily Life, Day 20

Today, like most everyday, Mayzie spends some time playing on her mat or quilt.  I love to watch her interact with her toys and enjoy learning.  This picture captures how much fun life can be.  I hope we always enjoy getting down on the floor and spending time together playing, learning, living. 

Daily Life, Day 19

Today is my Birthday!  I am 33 years old today.  My mom brought me these beautiful tulips.  I love them because no matter where I put them in the house they reach for the sun and open up into full bloom.  Everytime I walk by them I pray that I am like them.  I don't know all the place I will go this  year, but I pray that I will always reach toward the Light of the World and fully bloom for His glory. 

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Caught up

One of my loving followers pointed out that if I didn't get caught up on my snap shot a day thing people would lose interest, so today I got caught up.  I just finished in the nick of time, too.  I hear a sweet cry from the crib.  See you tomorrow.

Daily Life, Day 18

Today I am attending a baby sprinking.  It is like a baby shower, but for the second one.  I have never really heard of it before, but there are lots of things I have never heard of before.  I got busy at my sewing machine during nap times and made a few quick things to take tonight.  I made a burp cloth, a clip that can be used to keep track of a paci or toy, a rattle, and a ruffle-butt onesie.  All this I made with ribbon.  I got the idea to use ribbon from my cousin.  However, I have never used ribbon, so I am wondering how it will wear through the wash.  I have several friends "due any day now" so there will be more baby stuff to come I am sure.  I am not as good at little boy stuff, but I am working on it.

Daily Life, Day 17

This is the route I ran today in my Half Marathon training.  I ran 6 miles yesterday and did not really want to run today, and I certainly did not want to run very hard, but those are not options when you have committed yourself to a group.  As I sit here and think about how glad I am that I had three friends to run with today I am struck by the fact that other groups in my life do this same thing.  When I don't feel like putting everything I have into my family, the rest of my family is meeting me right where I am and encouraging me not to miss out on the blessing that is family.  When I am not totally sure I can put my whole heart into worship there is my church worshiping with their whole heart showing me that I can do it, if I just will show up and get started God will meet with me.  I am so thankful for the different groups in my life who are committed to community.  I can't wait to finish this race with this group of women.  We have already planned our celebration dinner because we will finish our training and do well, with each other’s help.  

Daily Life, Day 16

I love to learn, though I do not always love to learn the same way.  Sometimes I love to learn by being told how to do something and sometimes I love to learn by experimenting.  Today I learned by experimenting.  I did a little clicking around at picnik and made this collage.  I love the site.  It is a lot of fun, and I think I can use it add some variety and interest to the pictures I post online.  Now if someone would just tell me how to get everything on my to do list done, then I will have really learned some valuable things today.

Daily Life, Day 15

Today Papa D and Bella came to visit.  Acutually I saw all my grandparents today because Daddy had to help Grandpa with a project, so we spent time and Grandma and Grandpa's.  Then when we got home Bella and Papa D pulled up.  What a perfect day!  All of my grandparents think I am so cute and sweet.  They are amazed I am sitting up and getting on all fours from time to time.  They love to give me lots of hugs and kisses.  I normally like it a lot, but sometimes I just want to get down and play.  My mommy has warned me that all my grandparents will be working very hard to spoil me and I should learn to say no thank you from time to time.  For example, "No thank you, Papa D.  I don't care for any Dr. Pepper.  I am only 6 months old." 

Daily Life, Day 14

Today I saw Mayzie's sweet shoes just sitting there looking so cute. It made me think of the journey she is beginning now. I can't help but wonder where her journey will take her. I know we have lots of steps to go, but will her steps lead her to another country or to an office building or a classroom or a hospital? Who knows? I just know I want her to follow in the footsteps of Jesus. Those footsteps do not always lead to comfortable living, but they do lead to riches beyond measure. I know I play a role in Mayzie's journey with Christ. So I pray I am following in his footsteps and seeking Him and His riches, not the comfortableness of this life.

Daily Life, Day 13

Mayzie loves her friend!  Today we had a play date with Annie.  She had Mayzie had fun doing puzzles and eating snacks.  These two girls are 8 weeks apart and are sweet friends.  We two moms are several years apart, but still sweet friends.  I am constantly encouraged and loved by the Uecker family and will always count them among my most treasured gifts from God.  I hope Annie and Mayzie get to stay friends for a long time so they can know the sweetness of friendship too.

Daily Life, Day 12

Daddy's Home!  That is what we said today when this handsome thing came walking in the door.  Though I love being home with Mayzie and wouldn't trade it for any amount of money, I do love when Daddy comes home.  We just feel complete when we are all home together.  AND it does mean I can sneak off to the gym or Target, if I want to.  Sometimes I do, and sometimes I don't.  I love it that way.  Our daddy really is the best!

Daily Life, Day 11

Today I was going through Mayzie's closet and realized she was growing so fast!  When she was first given this outfit I thought it would for sure last her through basketball season and maybe even baseball season, but no!  It barely made it through football season.  Everyone says they grow and grow up so fast.  I really believe people when they say it, but it is one thing to believe it and another to experience it.  I love you, Mayzie, my big girl!

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Dress of the Month Club

I do love sewing. I like that I can take raw materials and most of the time form them into something totally different than what they were to begin with and that new thing has a structure and a function. I first got my sewing machine three years ago. Not long after I got my machine I decided I would use it more if I took a class, so I took the Beginning I class at The Stitch Lab. It was GREAT! I learned a lot, but most importantly I gained the confidence I needed to keep sewing. From time to time I like to take other classes from Leslie and the great gals at The Stitch Lab. Last month I took the Dress of the Month Club and had a great time making my first dress. Here is a little video to show you about it.

(well the video is not wanting to upload. I will try again later)

In the effort to be honest I will confess that when I brought the dress home to finish and tried it hangs funny. I contacted Leslie at the Stitch Lab and she was more than willing to help me. We haven't set up a specific time to meet yet for my tutoring session, but when we do I will post about that and the final picture of the completed dress on me because it is hanging correctly.

I heart The Stitch Lab

Daily Life, Day 10

Today Annie came over and the mommies went on a run with two other friends, so there were 4 ladies and two babies out for a run.  The mommies other two friends took turns pushing our strollers, which was a nice break for the mommies especially on the hills.  It was a fun part of the mommies half marathon training for the Zooma coming up later in the year.  After the run the babies got to play on the mat.  They had a good time playing across from eachother.  Soon both Annie and Mayzie got sleepy and it was time for naps.  We treasure everytime we get to see Annie and her mom.  

Daily Life, Day 9

Well after all the excitment of yesterday we all needed some rest, especially Daddy.  Yesterday Little Britches and I spent the day in San Antonio helping watch Aunt Andi's kiddos and then today right after church we went to eat with Grandma, Grandpa, G.G. Moore, Aunt Kylie, Uncle Billy, and Will since we had not seen the Phelps at Christmas due to them being in Atlanta.  By 2pm Little Britches was SLEEEEPY so we went home and took a good nap, all of us.  Sundays are for resting and we love that !

Daily Life, Day 8

Today Daddy ran a 50K with Aunt Andi.  It was in Bandera, TX were the temperature at the race's start was 10 degrees!  That is some cold weather for Texas.  We were worried about Daddy being warm enough, but he said he was fine.  In fact, he said there were runners there in only shorts.  What???  Are they crazy??? 
Daddy said this race was the hardest thing he had ever done.  In fact, at one point he wanted to quit.  It was too hard.  But after some food and some prayer he decided that God could give him the strength to finsh.  And he did!  He finished in 8 hours and 13 minutes.  Almost exactly 1 hour after Aunt Andi finished.  We are proud of both our endurace runners.  It makes my 5 mile "long run" this week seem like a joke.  But hey, at least I can walk after my run.  That is more than I can say for Daddy and Aunt Andi after their run. 

Daily Life, Day 7

Today was Daddy's first day back at work since his trip.  We hung around the house and just tried to stay warm.  We've had a cold snap here with low temperatures breaking records.  Our hard floors must be unusually cold because every time I turn around Amelia is on something- like Little Britches' toy turtle that I had already folded in half because she had laid on it earlier.  What is wrong with her fluffy warm bed you ask?  Good question!  Notice my running shoes near by indicating I did go for a run at the precise moment is was the warmest today.  It is a real science to run outside during the winter.  You have to plan your whole day around when the high will be, or at least I do because I don't like to be cold.  Speaking of cold...

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Daily Life, Day 6

Today we began spring cleaning a little early. We want 2010 to bring some changes to our family. We are talking things we want to do differently, places we want to go, dreams we want to dream, people we want to reach, and how we want to raise our little girl. Part of the changes that will be coming include living more simply. Letting go of stuff so we can be free to do all that God has called us to, even if we don't exactly know what that is yet. So we started today making a pile of things we no longer need. I do this often, but there are always those things I hold on to that I think I will use, but never really do. Today I was brutally honest with myself and my stuff. A sweatshirt I've had since high school and loving wore all through college I put in the box today. I got the sweatshirt out of the lost and found at camp. It says JOSH across it. I wore it during many tennis matches; I wore it walking through the back door of the kitchen at camp on many cold mornings; I wore it while studying in my cold drafty dorm; I wore it a lot. But I have not worn it in....5 or 6 years, so it went. Somehow being honest with myself and letting go of some things that were once so familiar in my life is great therapy. I know good things are yet to come, so I can let go and look ahead with excitement and joy.

Daily Life, Day 5

And we are so happy!  Daddy arrived home at about 1pm and we just spent the rest of the day playing and getting to know that bearded man.  (He is running a race on Saturday and claims the hair on his face will help keep him warm when it is 18 degrees outside.)  Little Britches spent wasted no time talking to and showing Daddy all the great things she had been practicing such as sitting, using her sippy cup,  doing big push ups with her arms, and making lots of new sounds.  What a difference six days can make.

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Daily Life, Day 4

Today was a fun day.  Little Britches and I just hung around the house and worked on a few of her skills.  Here is a snapshot of two of her latest skills- sitting independently and wrangling a sippy cup to her mouth.  She is not a pro at either one of these skills, but she is getting there for sure.  We wanted to work extra hard so that when Daddy comes home tomorrow we would have something new to show him.  He has been gone 6 days!  While we missed him terribly, we know he and God were having some good conversations at Passion 2010.  We can't wait for his return tomorrow! 

Monday, January 4, 2010

Daily Life, Day 3

Today I started Half Marathon training.  I tried to find reasons not to, but there it was on the fridge staring at me.  Today was Monday and there was a workout listed, so I headed out the door.  For Christmas Little Britches' Daddy got the weather cover for our stroller, so I bundled Little Britches up and put the weather cover on, and we were off for an interval run.  I have to admit that I walked most of the "easy run" portions, but I did add in a little extra running and cooling down a the end.  All in all it felt good to run again.  In 81 days I plan on crossing the finish line in WAY less than my last half marathon time of two hours and thirty-nine minutes.  However, I have heard the hills in this half marathon will get ya if you don't train.  Good news- There are some hills in my neighborhood.  I will have to tackle them on my "easy run" tomorrow. 

Sunday, January 3, 2010

Daily Life, Day 2

The past two days I have taken snap shots with my iphone.  I will get out my "good camera" for better quality more often, I promise.  I ma just getting going on this once a day posts about daily life thing.  I really don't want to forget the precious moments of everyday.  Everyone says they go by so fast.

Today we went to church with my parents.  We have never been to their church because we always have responsibilities on Sunday.  There were many things about today that sweetly reminded me of my childhood.  Today I sat between mom and dad at church.  How long has it been since I, alone, sat between them at church?  Who knows?  There are always others with us, but today it was just us, and it was nice.  It was nice to hear them sing the songs of our faith.  It was nice to feel their presence beside me as I listened to the word of God proclaimed.  I felt like I had come home after a long journey.  It was a special moment.

Also today Little Britches did somethings for the first time.  For the first time she sat in the highchair at my parents house while we enjoyed lunch.  The highchair is over 30 years old.  It was the highchair my sister and I sat in when we were Little Britches' age.  Little Britches had a great time playing and throwing things on the floor.  I was able to attach a few toys to the highchair so that they could not all go on the floor.

And for the first time today Little Britches wore her name diaper cover.  I had one of these when I was little and it is in the hope chest at my mom's house.  I love that my daughter has some too and one day they will be in a hope chest at my house when her first child is wearing her name across her bum.  There is something so familar and timeless about these diaper covers.  It makes it seem like no matter how much there world changes there are few things, no matter how random, that don't change.  That just serves as a reminder that there are some really important, eternal things that don't change either.

"Some trust in chariots, and some in horses, but we trust in the name of the Lord our God."

Saturday, January 2, 2010

Daily Life, Day 1

Here is my first of (hopefully) 365 postings about our daily life. I promise they will not all be of Little Britches. ;)

Today Daddy is in Atlanta, GA with five of our students from church.  They are attending Passion 2010.  We were going to go, but Little Britches had a runny nose last week was not feeling good at all AND our two dogs are not readily welcomed at anyone's house for extended amounts of time, so we are staying home.  There is a part of staying home that is good, like I plan on taking down the Christmas tree before January 6th, but there is a part that is sad too.  We miss Daddy for sure and I know I am missing out on some great times of worship and teaching.  As my mind wanders to the group in Atlanta throughout the day I am praying for them.  I am asking God to use them to change the nations.  That is a prayer I prayed at a Passion Conference in the 90s- God use me to change the nations.  Has he-  yes in some ways- Will he still?- I hope so!  And now my prayer is for Little Britches that she will make her life about making His name famous among her generation.  We sent this picture to Daddy just to let him know we were thinking of him, and praying for him.  I love the expression on her face!  

What if...

What if I posted one photo each day and posted it with a little journal entry...would I treasure the memories I have recorded? I am going to give it a try.

We are flipping for our Flip

We got a Flip for Christmas and love it so far!  Instead of sending thank you notes for Christmas we have sent out thank you videos for Little Britches toys.  How fun!  We have also sent short video messages to Daddy at work during the day.  I am working ona short video that shows the latest sewing project I am working on.  It is my first dress from a pattern.  I plan to catch up on some fun things we have done over the last several weeks soon, but in the mean time here is one of our thank you videos just so you can look and see.
More fun videos and pictures coming soon!