Today I am attending a baby sprinking. It is like a baby shower, but for the second one. I have never really heard of it before, but there are lots of things I have never heard of before. I got busy at my sewing machine during nap times and made a few quick things to take tonight. I made a burp cloth, a clip that can be used to keep track of a paci or toy, a rattle, and a ruffle-butt onesie. All this I made with ribbon. I got the idea to use ribbon from my cousin. However, I have never used ribbon, so I am wondering how it will wear through the wash. I have several friends "due any day now" so there will be more baby stuff to come I am sure. I am not as good at little boy stuff, but I am working on it.
I LOVE that onesie! And the ribbon you chose... :)
I love your sewing! How is it you know so many moms with girls? Baby boys need burp cloths too... And maybe hats?
I have certainly taken into consideration the boy burb clothes. I think you will be seeing some in the near future, but what else?? Hats? That is a good idea. I will have to see what else I can come up with. A rattle maybe? a stuffed toy? Hmm...
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