Today we began spring cleaning a little early. We want 2010 to bring some changes to our family. We are talking things we want to do differently, places we want to go, dreams we want to dream, people we want to reach, and how we want to raise our little girl. Part of the changes that will be coming include living more simply. Letting go of stuff so we can be free to do all that God has called us to, even if we don't exactly know what that is yet. So we started today making a pile of things we no longer need. I do this often, but there are always those things I hold on to that I think I will use, but never really do. Today I was brutally honest with myself and my stuff. A sweatshirt I've had since high school and loving wore all through college I put in the box today. I got the sweatshirt out of the lost and found at camp. It says JOSH across it. I wore it during many tennis matches; I wore it walking through the back door of the kitchen at camp on many cold mornings; I wore it while studying in my cold drafty dorm; I wore it a lot. But I have not worn it in....5 or 6 years, so it went. Somehow being honest with myself and letting go of some things that were once so familiar in my life is great therapy. I know good things are yet to come, so I can let go and look ahead with excitement and joy.
1 comment:
We will be praying for you! We are in the same boat. To simplify so that we can more clearly hear what God has for our lives. This world has a way of creeping into every nook and cranny and we don't realize it until we are so full of it we can't see through it to the REAL things God desires for us. On to a new reality...
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