Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Workout Wednesday

I had about an hour between tutoring sessions today so I headed to the treadmill for some intervals.  I ran 4.5 miles in 48 minutes.  I did 1/2 mile intervals after a warm up and followed by a cool down.  I forgot a hair rubber band. (boo!) But it was a great run.  Then I couldn't remember the combination to my lock and had to have it cut off by the gym staff.  Nice!

Boss Your Heart Devotional

Today's topic named in honor of my candy-lovin' husband, but really has nothing to do with candy.  It has everything to do with Algebra and how God uses what he is teaching us now AND later! Click here if you want ot read.

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Work Out Tuesday

Okay, today was a crazy day.  Little Britches usually goes down for a nap at 1 and is up by 3, but today she went down at 1:30, did not go to sleep, needed a diaper change at 2:30, fially went to sleep at 3:20, woke up at 3:40.  There went my exercise time.  Our evening was already booked, so there went the day.  I did do 2 sets of push ups, 2 sets of sit ups, and 2 sets of abs before bed.  Our naps have been a little tough lately.  I am praying that we are not dropping our only nap of the day.  We will try again tomorrow.  No matter what I have workout time built in tomorrow because I tutor at 3:30 - 4:30 and not again until 6:15, so I should get in a good workout in between.

Monday, January 24, 2011

Let Your Net Down on the Other Side

I love the story in Luke 5 about Jesus calling the first disciples. I love it because Jesus met the men where they were in their everday life- fishing. I love it because, though these men were professional fishermen, Jesus knew more than them about everything, including fishing. I just love the story.

Isn't it so true that we get comfortable with the knowledge we have in a certain area of life. We just put it on auto pilot and do whatever it is we already know how to do. My family and I done this, we have all done this, and most of the time there is no problem with it. The problem comes if Jesus is telling you to do something that seems to go against your expert knowledge. What will you do? Will you "let down your nets on the other side of the boat" or will you stand on shore explaining to Jesus why that would never work? The result of Simeon letting down his nets was not only a catch of fish that almost tore the nets to pieces, it was so plentiful, but the result was also recognition of how amazing Christ is and worship was the outflow of that recognition.

For a little while now my family and I have sensed God telling us our time as members of our church was drawing to an end. We didn't want to rock the boat, I mean I was on staff, my husband's parents go there, I speak every week from the stage, I coordinate Kid's Camp, blah, blah, blah. We were on the shore telling Jesus that we knew how to do church better than he does. Finally in November I went to our pastor and told him we needed to be obedient, to let down our nets on the other side. He said January would be a good time to tell the church and proceed. The very next week my husband and I experienced such a joy and freedom in worship. Simply knowing we were taking the steps to be obedient allowed us to recognize Christ at work and worship him.

Now we don't know where we are going, or who will be there when we get there, but we are ready to set off on an adventure with Christ. I am looking forward to being Cameron's wife and "the lady who speaks". I am looking forward to being Mayzie's mom instead of "the lady who does camp with that cute girl". I hope I find moms with little girls to play with, I hope we find friends we can share life with, I hope we find a body of believers who push us to be more than we are in Christ. I want all this and more- I want to follow Him, wherever He leads, to His glory!

Work Out Monday, January 24, 2011

Goal: Make intensive exercise a daily habit
         Train well for Spring Races
         Build Strength
         Build Relationships
         Encourage others to move towards their goals one step at a time

I will be attending Body Pump with Jackie.  I will be using a big plate for warm up, all three plates for squats, a big plate for chest, a big and a medium for back, a medium and a small for biceps and triceps, a set of medium for shoulders, all three for squats and two bigs from lunges during the lunge song, and a medium for abs.

I will also take Cecila and MGM for a walk this afternoon.  I will maintain a 15 min/mile pace or better for 30 min.

Racin' Racin'

After much thought I have decided not to do a half in the spring, but instead do a 10K really well.  I am going to do the Blue Bell Fun Run 10K, then the next weekend I am going to recover at the Zooma 5K, which a bunch of friends from church.  Those races are both in April.  In July I will start training for The Chosen (Half) Marathon for Adoption.  That is what I am going to do.  I am going to Daily post about my workouts so that I have a log of what I did and did not do.  I want to start my race posts with the stated goals so that I will not forget why I am doing what I am doing.  Okay, here is to daily training!  (I just do so much better when I am signed up for something.)

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Craft Club January

Once a month a group of ladies I used to teach with get together and talk for 3 hours  craft.  Last night only two of us could make it because one lady was swamped with family stuff and the other one was out celebrating the news that her 2nd born child will be a girl!!  Here are the results of last night's craft night.

What I learned was that when attaching small things that need to be lined up- wonderunder is a necessary step.  The e is slightly lower than the v.  It is not quite as "off" as it appears in the second picture, but still it is a bit lower.

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Bossing My Heart

I am guest blogging over at All are Precious in His Sight.  I don't want to have crust and crumbs!  Head on over to see what I am talking about.


Friday, January 14, 2011

Baby Its Cold Outside

I like the song, "Baby, It's Cold Outside".  I think I like it because I  romanticize  the cold in my mind.  I am not one to go on and on about the weather like my beloved husband, but it has been cold and rainy!  And I don't like to be cold or wet!  Last winter, right about this time I started training for a half marathon with a small group of friends.  I posted about our fun a few times, here and especially here.  I am sorely aware of my lack of fitness fellowship.  Last week, when it was pretty and sunny I got out and ran or walked everyday in addition to going to the gym twice.  This week- nothing- no walking, no running, no gym, no P90X, nothing but eating and feeling fat.  I am a fair weather exerciser that is for sure.  I have got to make an adjustment, that's for sure.  The forcast is calling for rainy, chilly weather through the weekend.

It is amazing to me how I can so quickly go from "I've got it all together" in a particular area, to "I am falling apart".  It just goes to show you that DAILY really is important.  No one day makes or brakes you but a habit of daily doing something can make a difference- a big difference.  I am working towards a 30 pound difference- one day at a time.  But I can't deny I wish I had my running buddies to help me out.  I miss those girls!

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Boss Your Heart Devotional

Hey!  Where has the week gone?  It has been busy around here.  I hope your New Year is off to a great start.  I am featured over at All Are Precious In His Sight today.  Head on over, if you want to check it out. 

Happy Wednesday!

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Boss Your Heart Devotional

I have a guest post on All Are Precious In His Sight.  Check it out here

Have a great Wednesday!

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Boss Your Heart

You may remember that last spring I was praying for Chrissie, a little girl from our church who had a heart condition.  Sadly, Chrissie went home to be with Jesus last May.  (See this post).  During Chrissie's fight her mom, Lorraine, told her to "Boss your heart."  You can read the story here.  Lorraine has taken the "Boss Your Heart" message a step further.  She has encouraged those around her and on her blog to boss their hearts through God's word.  She has encouraged people to take the "Boss Your Heart Challenge"- to read through the Bible this year.  I have taken the challege!  I am reading through the Bible chronologically this year.  I am excited about what God will teach me through this fresh reading of his word.  Lorraine asked me to write weekly devotionals for those who were following the challenge.  They will be posted on her blog, and I will link them here, just in case you want to take the challenge, read along, or just be (hopefully) encouraged.   

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Happy New Year

On this New Year's Eve I asked my husband if he was going to make any resolutions.  He said to get a 6 pack, but earlier today he said he was going to quit working out and eating right and get fat, so I am not sure where he will come down on that decision, but I know what I hope he does. (hehe!)

I don't make resolutions, but I do like to reflect on the past year and thing towards the new year.  This year I am going to chose a word.  A word to remind me of all God is doing in my life and all I need him to do.  My word for the year is daily.  There are a lot of things I need to do that overwhelm me because they are such huge task, but if I take a little bit of the task daily then it won't be so bad.  I also know that exercising and eating right daily makes a difference.  You can't eat right and exercise every 3rd day and expect to see results.  What is true in our physical disciplines is also true in your spiritual disciples, so I want to read God's love letter to me daily and talk to him daily.  Daily- it can be a powerful thing.  I think my theme song will be "This is the Day the Lord has made.  Let us rejoice and be glad in it."