Wednesday, March 17, 2010

It's Almost Here!

Well it is 9 days, 20 hours, and 28 minutes until the Zooma Half Marathon.  I am excited.  I have certainly put in more training miles than I did for the last half marathon I did, so I am hoping for better results.  I know I will be proud, no matter what the outcome is because I have run more and enjoyed the running.  I was a little nervous that I would not enjoy running again after having Little Britches, but I have, I really have enjoyed it.  I think, for me, it helps to have a group to do some runs with, especially the long ones.  I love my running group and look forward to catching up with them each week, up to three times a week.  They are a great group of diverse women who challenge me both physically and spiritually.  I am thankful for so much in my life!  And right now my running group is high on the list.  As I reflect on the blessing this group is to me, I am reminded of the blessing that comes from corporate adventures.  It reminds me to get in there and "do life" with some people- church people, family people, people who will encourage me and challenge me to be something more than who I am today.

Well it is now 9 days, 20 hours, and 19 minutes until the race.  I better get busy!


EMU said...

I am guessing that the exact countdown is thanks to Cameron's countdown on the computer! :)

I was thinking today while I was running that I only have 7 more training runs until the race...crazy! The question is: Will I want to run again after the half is over and I don't "have" to run???

mrsdlanemoore said...

Of course the exact coutdown is thanks to Cameron's countdown on the computer.

I know what you mean about wanting to run. I think you will want to run, but I have sure missed our friendly walks where we can do more talking. I just cannot run and talk much.